Open now through April 11th!
Dates for the Orein Arts Residency at Mt. Saviour Monastery:
Session 1 // July 07-13, 2025
Session 2 // Aug 11-17, 2025
You’re almost there! Once you’ve read our Program Overview, Who Should Apply, and Residency Cost, checked your calendar for availability for one of our sessions, and have decided to apply (exciting!), here are the application materials to have prepared before clicking the link below:
- Letter of Application (max. 600 words) — Write us a letter. This is the main way you will introduce yourself and your practice (both artistic and spiritual). Make it specific, honest and personal. Let us know the reasons behind your desire to come to THIS residency, in a small community at a contemplative Catholic monastery, beyond just "time and space" to work, which is offered by most any other creative residency. Talk about your ability and willingness to both work alone and be part of a community. Let us know what excites you, what you hope to work on, explore, encounter, or investigate during your time here. Tell us anything really to help give us a sense of who you are and how our time together could be fruitful. Again: do NOT send us a general letter that is not specifically tailored to this residency. Upload on a .pdf on the application platform.
- Work Sample / Portfolio — We are looking for seriousness and quality. We leave the quantity/media to your discretion depending on what discipline you work in: some pages of writing, images of work, link to bandcamp, your EPK, youtube link of a dance performance, etc. If you wish (not required) this is the place to include a brief artist’s statement and/or include any pertinent information if needed to help us better understand the work. Upload on application platform.
- CV / Resume — A brief artist’s CV or resume outlining recent publications, past and upcoming shows, studio experience, accomplishments, honors, etc. If you are an emerging artist who doesn’t have a long professional resume, that is ok. Send us whatever you got. Upload a .pdf on the application platform.
- Application fee — Before submitting, you will be asked to pay an application fee. The suggested amount is $30, however you are free to input any amount above $10 according to your situation. This non-refundable fee will be put towards paying our readers and scholarships for other artists. If you have more to contribute beyond the suggested amount, we thank you for your commitment to supporting fellow artists.
- Additional things to recall — Applicants must be able to stay the full length of their session. There is no wifi. Cell phone service is limited. There will be a bunch of Catholic monks around and people talking about God. The monastery is an entirely smoke and drug-free campus with the exception of responsible alcohol consumption.
After you have understood and gathered the above materials, you’re ready to go! The link below will take you to the application platform—