Hymn Album
We made an album!
Album release show at the Parlor Room in Northampton, MA
Real & Far Off Hymns, Vol. 1 was released on Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 on all streaming platforms, and in a physical CD.
We had a live album release in February of 2022 when venues began to open again.
When the pandemic took away the ability to hold our in-person creative arts residency, this hymn project began as a way to continue our mission remotely but in collaboration with other artists. Music artists were invited to contribute a solo performance of a meaningful hymn from the tradition. Full of fresh spirit alongside age-old longings, the result is a truly beautiful offering to the world in a trying time.
This compilation album is oriented towards artists helping artists—the proceeds will be donated to our scholarship fund that helps bring artists to our residency program.
Support artists by ordering the album on bandcamp via the button below. Or just have a listen, learn more, and enjoy. We hope you love it as much as we do ︎

Produced by Nick Maione, mixed and mastered by Jefferson Hamer.
We offer a deep and endless thank you to all the artists who donated their time and talent to this mission—Jefferson Hamer, Courtney Hartman, Jon Seale, Max Wareham, Justine Cefalu, Diarmuid & Brían Mac Gloinn, Jake Klar, Moira Smiley, Tim Eriksen, Naiika Sings.