Orein Arts reunites the creative life and the spiritual life for a deeper encounter with beauty.

Monastery Arts Residency
Hymn Album

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Support Our Mission

At Orein Arts we put our trust in the generous support of donors & sponsors to continue to serve our mission in the highest degree possible.

As we operate on a non-profit model, we on our community of donors and sponsors (and alums!) to put foundations under our successful programs, fund our fellowships, build community, increase visibility, and nurture growth to meet a need that exceeds our resources. We plan to continue to serve the creative & spiritual community for years to come. Donate at the links above, or find below the many ways to unite your time, philanthropy, and other resources to this mission. We can’t do it without your support. 

More ways to support below ︎︎︎

︎︎ This residency week  brought my soul back to me. Thank you.  

—Bryce P., Writer

Br. Justin Fellowship

Our fundraising primarily goes to support our Br. Justin Fellowship, which allows artists to come to our program for a deeply discounted rate. Our artist fellowship is named after Br. Justin Young. Br. Justin was a beautiful, creative, energetic monk at Mt. Saviour. He was deeply tuned to beauty and creativity, with degrees in Fine Art and Theater, and was our biggest champion when we first proposed the residency to Mt. Saviour in 2018. He passed away suddenly a few months before our first session at the monastery, but we know he has been and continues to be with us. We like to think of Br. Justin as our unofficial patron saint! 

Annual Benefit Event


December Benefit 

Every December we hold our yearly benefit event in Brooklyn, NY. Thank you to all who came out last year; who performed, who contributed, who volunteered— you all helped make this night so special. Stay tuned for our 2025 dates!

Some photos from past years:

More Ways to Support

While the PayPal and Venmo links above are the most direct way to make your gift, below are even more ways you can support:

︎For a fully tax-deductible gift, or to give through your workplace or other matching foundations, please give through our 501(c)3 fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas here:

︎We accept checks payable to Orein Arts. Please reach out to get our best mailing address.

︎Donor-Advised Funds or gifts of stock are a popular and excellent way to maximize the benefit of a contribution. If you wish to make a DAF gift or gift of stock, contact Fractured Atlas at 888.692.7878 or support@fracturedatlas.org. More information herehere.

︎In-kind gifts, such as equipment, facilities, professional service hours (i.e. lawyer) are extremely valuable. Please reach out to us if you wish to make this kind of gift.

︎Buy from our store! [coming soon]

And even more ways for you to fulfill our mission with us:

    • Spread the word
    • Find creative ways to partner with us
    • Sign up for our email list
    • Follow/like us on social networks
    • Volunteer a skill
    • Pray for us, the monks, and artists

Thank You

As artists and makers, theists and atheists, we “already live in the abundance of God” as the artist and writer Makoto Fujimura put it.

Thank you for sharing in this abundance and revealing with us a world that is a more purposeful, peaceful, creative place, centered on beauty.